SDA Dwelling Requirements

SDA dwellings within our portfolio have the following sustainable features to assist residents in keeping energy costs down.

As a portfolio managed through Macquarie Asset Management, we are committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2040.

Macquarie Asset Management has also become one of the first large asset managers to sign The Climate Pledge, joining a global coalition of more than 100 climate leaders who share the ambition of achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement 10 years early.

Our sustainability targets include:

  • Where we can control the construction of SDA dwellings, we aim to have a a portfolio weighted average that is 1.0 stars (on the NatHERS scale) higher than the Minimum Building Code applicable in the properties respective State or Territory.
  • All dwellings to include the installation of solar photovoltaic panels with a minimum size of 5kW.
  • All dwellings are to be fully electrified.
  • Any new appliance installed (purchased to fit out new dwellings or to replace existing appliances) that are provided as part of the tenancy and not otherwise provided by the tenant, is to be of a maximum 1 Star below the highest energy efficiency standard available under the Minimum Energy Performance Standards for appropriate comparable appliances.
  • Air conditioning units installed must have an energy rating of more than or equal to 4 stars under the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (with exceptions if the property has centralised or no air conditioning installed).

In-home real-time energy monitoring systems are installed to initially facilitate the calculation of MySAS’s Operating Emissions.