Our Story
MySAS grew out of a business started by Macquarie Asset Management in 2018. From the outset, we have invested in specialist disability accommodation (SDA) through partnerships with Australia's leading SDA providers.
MySAS grew out of a business started by Macquarie Asset Management in 2018. From the outset, we have invested in specialist disability accommodation (SDA) through partnerships with Australia's leading SDA providers.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was established in Australia in 2013, centralising the funding of long-term high-quality care and support for people with significant disabilities.
For people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs – approximately 6% of NDIS-eligible individuals – this included providing the funding of high-quality, bespoke and community-integrated homes.1
Importantly, the NDIS was also structured to provide government payments directly to people, empowering them to make their own choices about their care and accommodation needs. This was a transition away from the traditional blockfunding model and allowed the individual to directly “buy” their services and providers as an empowered consumer rather than an allotted recipient.
In 2016 the agency that administers the NDIA introduced Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) to facilitate this new approach and establish a private sector-led market to fund, build and manage this type of housing.
SDA is a range of housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high needs. It aims to make accessing supports easier. SDA can involve different built forms or designs, for example a shared home with a small number of other people or a single resident villa or apartment.
A range of assistive technology, that is, equipment or devices that help people do things in the home more easily or safely is usually provided for.
A person who gets SDA funding from the NDIS will receive an amount to contribute to the cost of living in the dwelling. It doesn’t include the services or support the person may also require in their home.
1. ‘Disability Care and Support’, Productivity Commission, Report no. 54, 31 July 2011, https://www.pc.gov.au/
MySAS is an investment fund that was established by Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) in 2021 to enable the provision of SDA – high quality and sustainable housing for Australians with disabilities that is well integrated into urban communities.
MAM has been engaged in the SDA sector since 2017. Our involvement – with our housing partners, government and other market players – helped raise awareness and understanding of SDA, supporting its growth toward becoming a stable asset class.
We seek to generate positive impact outcomes that include improved access to secure and sustainable accommodation for people who require specialised accommodation solutions.